The mathello Genius Quest 2024, United Arab Emirates, a prestigious event dedicated to nurturing young abacus & mental arithmetic talent, unfolded in a grand spectacle on Sunday, January 7, 2024, held at Swiss International Scientific School, Al Jadaf, Dubai, UAE. The event brought together budding mathelloneans' from diverse backgrounds for a day of abacus & mental arithmetic skills in two segments: Visual & Listening vibrant Competition.
mathello Junior and UNO levels undergoing students honoured by Mr. Syed Anees, Marketing Head, Sparkler Minds Challenge, United Arab Emirates.
Honoured by Mr. Souce Gilbert Dumand
Franchisee mathello Fujairah, United Arab Emirates.
Honoured by Ms. Shirly Jacob, Chairperson, Memoriad.
Honoured by Ms. Wafaa Hussein, Franchisee mathello Abu Dhabi.
Honoured by Mr. Sreenevas KM Iyengar,
Global Education Director, mathello.
Honoured by Mr. Sreenevas KM Iyengar,
Global Education Director, mathello.
Honoured by Ms. Rajeswari Prakash,
Global Moderator mathello.
Honoured by Ms. Padma Nath,
Sr. Course Instructor, mathello.
Honoured by Ms. Farida Mobeen & Ms. Jeniffer
Sr. Course Instructor, mathello.
Honoured by Mrs. Pemmasani V. G. Soundari,
Educationalist, Philanthropist, Empowering Women Edupreneur &
Honorary Chairman. mathello Genius Academy.
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